June 4, 2010

Fiddle Dee Dee Friday!

One thing you NEED to know about me is that i love and i mean LOVE Gone With the Wind...
I pretty much know almost all there is to know about the book, the history, the author, the PLAYERS, the production.. the sequel... the whole mother lovin shebang!!
so I was surfin around and picked up some of my favorite pictures from the movie... Enjoy..
324432.jpg picture by dezz530
Vivian Leigh always so striking!!
Annex20-20Leigh20Vivien20Gone20W-5.jpg Scarlett and Rhett 3 image by SchmoopyIrish
You know that they didn't even like each other in "real life" lol

gone.jpg picture by dezz530gone_with_the_wind.jpg picture by dezz530
GoneWiththeWind.jpg picture by dezz530
gonewiththewind-1.jpg picture by dezz530

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