As I'm sure you have noticed.... i like fancy things LOL... real fancy. Fabergé eggs are the bees knees in this department..... as it should be with anything that contains the words JEWEL ENCRUSTED as the leading descriptive wording for any of these magnificent creations...

('Alexander III Equestrian' Egg)
The House of Fabergé,synonymous with royalty, luxury and beauty,has been providing elaborate jewel encrusted eggs for the Czars of Russia and beyond for over 150 years now.

A little history; 1842 saw the launch of Gusatv Fabergé's first jewelry store in St Petersburg, but it was his son Carl Fabergé who studied all over Europe to add that finesse he was looking to add to his craft, and in 1885 Tsar Alexander III commissioned Carl Fabergé to create the first, in a line of many, Easter Egg for his wife Empress Maria Fedorovna. Its "shell" is enamelled on gold to represent a normal hen’s egg. This pulls apart to reveal a gold yolk, which in turn opens to produce a gold chicken that also opens to reveal a replica of the Imperial Crown from which a miniature ruby egg was suspended. Unfortunatley all that remain of the first "hen" egg is the shell, as the other pieces have been lost to wars, revolutions and carelessness.

The House of Fabergé completed 54 Imperial eggs for Alexander III to present to his Empress and for Nicholas II to present to his mother, the Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna and his wife Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Of these, 42 have survived. The eggs for 1917 were never completed, but have been discovered in recent years.
The House of Fabergé, although famed from the eggs, have other lines that generate some definate interest as well when they come up on the suction block. such as the 148 piece silver ware set that has miraculously survived the Russian revolution of 1917.
After the Russian revolution, the French Fabergé high tailed it to France where he opened another shop in Paris and the Name Fabergé lived on... in the 1960's through the mid 80's, Fabergé saw many changes and owners and became of a conglomerate including Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics, Aqua Net Hairspray and other misc cosmetic and beauty brands; with celebrities such as Farrah Fawcett, Cary Grant and Margaux Hemingway as spokespersons.

On January 3, 2007 Unilever sold its entire global portfolio of trademarks, licences and associated rights relating to the Fabergé brand. The new owner is Cayman Islands-based Fabergé Limited. The principal investor is Pallinghurst Resources LLP, an investment advisory firm based in London and chaired by Brian Gilbertson, the former CEO of BHP-Billiton plc, the world's largest mining company. Fabergé Limited announced that it proposed to establish Fabergé as the world's most exclusive luxury brand!

all info supplied via Wikipedia
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