Woooo hooo.... you heard right... the most vivid decription of sensual eating HAS to be naked sushi... i mean when the serving dish is a naked person.. how is that not sexy as hell!! LOL...
Before becoming a living sushi platter, the person (usually a woman) is trained to lie down for hours without moving—according to one narrative. She or he must also be able to withstand the prolonged exposure to the cold food. Before service, the individual is supposed to have taken a bath using a special fragrance-free soap and then finish off with a splash of cold water to cool the body down somewhat for the sushi. In some parts of the world, in order to comply with sanitation laws, there must be a layer of plastic or other material between the sushi and the bod.

Of course the reception to this practice worldwide varies... like in China.. where this practice is outlawed.. and even in Japan.. it's only found in what they perceive as "seedy sex clubs". but as usual oversees... it's considered less taboo and more artistic!! So thank heaven for the lower moral standards of the Yanks and the Brits!! Tickets for a Body Sushi Experience start at $75 and run up towards the thousands... depending on fish, sake and champagne selections of course!!

Oh and PS .... men can be models too LMAO.....

*looking around for my chopsticks* hahahahaha
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