Well, I guess since this is MY blog and I get to do whatever I wanna do… I’m gonna throw up my newly acquired bio and pic up. Beeecaaaause on May 27th, 2010 I will be debuting my vocals at LollipaRUza 2010.. and I could use all of the support I can muster!!!
But seriously… a BIG shout out to RU and Rachel, and all the acts performing… it’s gonna be ONE HELL OF A NIGHT!!! For a list of all performers;

Photo by Ashley Q; Bio by Ru Johnson
Des is the personification of vocal decadence. Born and bred in Denver, CO, Des has been singing her whole life. Getting her start in church and other adolescent social antics, she immediately recognized her passion and talent for singing. What furthered her dedication to the craft was the history of music in her family in her vocalist father and encouragement from her mother.
Naming artists like Queen Latifah, Reba McIntire, Mary J. Blige, Lauryn Hill, and Gloria Estefan as major influences, Des enjoys singing R&B and classic country tunes. In latter genre, it is the magic of Reba that she connects with the most. Mary's timeless debut What’s The 411? is the album Des maintains would make it onto the hypothetical “desert island.”
Not only made of melodic tones and auditory ecstasy, Des is an avid cook and skilled shopper. If her voice were a season it would certainly be fall. Warming and inviting, she croons with tones of homecoming. If her sound were a taste, crème Brule is the perfect description. Soft with an edge on top.
Her newest projects include a blog: The Decadent Diva (www.deadentdiva.blogspot.com), an array of crafts, and the necessary preparation for fucking LollipaRUza up RIGHT.
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